
Here you will very simply find out how you performed or your friends from the running team. You can also filter the statistics in all categories and according to all criteria. There is also a text browser you can use for making a search by name or starting number of the competitor.

Attention – all statistics are already available during the course of the actual race and are continuously updated!


Pos.Start numberNameGenderCategoryClubTimeElevationDiploma
1.990David F.
MM1000:12:390 m
2.496Petr Zdvořáček
MM10Rozběháme Strakonice 00:12:430 m
3.996lukáš šimonek
MM1000:13:180 m
4.314Ondřej Hruboš
MM1000:14:000 m
5.446Jan Bosman
MM10Záchranáři00:15:250 m
6.505David Farkaš
MM1000:16:190 m
7.180Miroslav Lorenz
MM10Lorintým00:16:380 m
8.390Matěj Karnolt
MM1000:16:400 m
9.75Radim Fiala
MM10Rychlí zajíci 00:17:520 m
10.397Jakub Mišák
MM1000:17:530 m
11.353Tomášek Neužil
MM1000:18:460 m
12.714Radim Barvínek
MM10SK Klackaři00:18:550 m
13.519Vojta Málek
MM1000:19:360 m
14.166Jakub Zrno
MM1000:20:000 m
15.249Samuel Hyvnar
MM10Kopřivnice00:20:580 m
16.1000Pepík Kuchař
MM1000:21:230 m
17.479Jindřich Holaj
MM10CK Holajová00:23:480 m
18.559Vinicius .
MM10Vesničani00:25:310 m
19.875Matýsek D.
MM10Drahotínov00:25:350 m
20.558Matěj Tichý
MM1000:28:470 m
21.760David Vejmola
MM10SK Bivoj Litvínov 00:29:590 m